
Why you need a website?

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  90% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible than companies who only have social media profiles. Your website is also the perfect place to show off any professional certifications or awards your business has.   You may be happy with the current size of...

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OpenSSL Important Update

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This week, experts have discovered a security flaw in the OpenSSL encryption software. This can be exploited by a Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack where the attacker can decrypt and modify traffic from the attacked client and server. The attack can only be performed between a vulnerable client and server. OpenSSL clients...

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Create a Bootable USB from Linux

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First we need to install Livecd-tools and spin-kickstarts using yum. yum install livecd-tools spin-kickstarts Then make the partition bootable. /sbin/parted /dev/sdb (parted) toggle N boot (parted) quit Execute the following command /usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk /path/to/live.iso /dev/sdb1...

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Google Repo for Linux

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Googles repo is necessary to keep your Linux applications up to date. Add the following content to  /etc/yum.repos.d/google.repo file. [google] name=Google – i386 baseurl=http://dl.google.com/linux/rpm/stable/i386 enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub...

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Enabling Quotas on a Virtuozzo® VPS

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For WHM version 11.32 If you are running cPanel and WHM on a Virtuozzo Virtual Private Server (VPS), you may need to take extra steps to enable quotas. Important: cPanel and WHM quotas will not work unless both first- and second-level Virtuozzo quotas are enabled. About Virtuozzo and Quotas First-level...

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How to Install and Configure ProFTPD in RHEL / CentOS / Fedora Linux

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Install ProFTPD server Type the following command as root user: # yum install proftpd Start ProFTPD when the system reboot: # chkconfig --level 3 proftpd on To start proftpd ftp service, enter: # service proftpd start To Stop proftpd ftp server, enter: # service proftpd stop To restart proftpd ftp service, enter: # service proftpd...

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Screen Command

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Screen command offers the ability to detach a long running process (or program, or shell-script) from a session and then attach it back at a later time. When the session is detached, the process that was originally started from the screen is still running and managed...

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