
Why you should choose Magento2 as your E-commerce Platform.

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Magento is the  most popular open-source ecommerce platform and the ecommerce solution in the world. Magento was built as a flexible platform With a global network of more than 315,000 developers. Magento is used by more than 250,000 merchants and facilitates more than $155 billion in gross annual merchandise volume. This is really its defining feature. Users can create stores with a variety of functions using pre-made extensions or by utilizing their coding chops. This is the beauty of a platform like Magento and one reason it’s so popular.


Exclusive Databases

Magento 2 has overcome the difficulty of using a single database to cater information on Product data, orders and checkouts. Admins and developers are now able to utilize separate databases to access the information. This eliminates system failure and database overload



Better Performance

Magento 2 offers improved performance compared to Magento 1 and has an advanced indexer to speed up query performance. The indexer works to update data regularly, including catalogue data, users, prices and store, to improve the overall speed of your online store.



Improved targeting and Promotion

Creating a unique shopping experience for your customers is the primary responsibility in this ecommerce era. Magento 2 Enterprise edition fulfills this responsibility by targeting customers with tailor made display content based on their order history, customer address and shopping cart information.



More mobile-friendly

Mobile responsiveness is key to improving sales, as more and more customers are shopping on smartphones and tablets. The Magento team recognized this and made mobile responsiveness a priority in the core Magento 2 platform.



Multiple Admins

Magento 2 has eliminated the limitation of a single admin user to engage with product data. Allowing multiple administrators access the product data has enabled easy monitoring of your online store products. In a large e-commerce space, this will help multiple admins to monitor and engage the entire catalog at ease.



Integration With Marketplace

Magento 2 allows for the integration of popular marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay. This allows retailers to create an omnichannel experience to allow their products and services to reach a much wider audience


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